Episode 1: 5 Common Things from the Space Industry!

Finally, Episode 1 of the Megan2Mars Video Podcast is live on YouTube!

The adventure of creating the podcast began a month or so into COVID-19. It occured to me that there’s a ton of cool facts and stories about Space that can be shared. So I decided to look into the best way to approach it on social media. After going round and round a few times I decided to just get started. So I did. It’s taken longer than expected but it is up complete with Facebook and Instagram!

Episode 1 features my good friend Aimee (@adastraaimee) and myself, Megan (@kanemeganm). The topic is 5 common things you didn’t know came from the Space Industry. So listen and enjoy!

Tune in next saturday for the next episode of Megan2Mars!

Enjoy the Podcast? Like and Subscribe!

Have a topic you’d like me to cover? Let me know!


Episode 2: : 5 Things you didn't know came from the Space Industry!


First Episode Coming Saturday!